Impact corona crisis
Research period: 2020-2021
In collaboration with Event Confederation
What is the impact of the corona crisis on the event sector in Belgium?
We are monitoring the impact since the outbreak of the crisis in March 2020. Both event professionals and event visitors are regularly surveyed.
The event professional surveyed
Some remarkable research results (December 2021):
Compared to 2019, the turnover for 2021 is estimated on average to be 52% lower.
For 2022, almost six out of ten organisations expect their turnover to be lower than that of 2019.
51% of all organisations had to dismiss employees or terminate contracts with fixed freelancers in 2021, which is even more than in 2020.
One third of the event professionals indicate that they have worked on more unprofitable than profitable events in 2021.
Since the start of the corona crisis, almost six out of ten organisations have more than once considered to permanently stop their activities in the event sector.
86% of the event professionals think the sector has shrunk since the start of the crisis with on average 30%
57% of the organisations think that the control and enforcing of COVID-measures is put way too much in the hands of event organisers by the government.
63% of the event professionals indicate that if it were up to them, non-vaccinated people should be banned from events until the corona crisis is over.
The event visitor surveyed
Some remarkable research results (December 2021):
Until the corona crisis is over, 58% avoid events as much as possible.
39% only buy last-minute tickets for events.
68% wants compulsory mouth masks at events, even if you have a valid corona pass.
52% would rather go to an event wearing a mask than not go to any event at all.
Compliance with corona measures at events is not sufficiently monitored according to 59%.
The corona measures for events are not strict enough for 21%.
When they go to an event, 66% are perfectly aware of the corona measures in place.
If the corona measures allow it, 60% of the visitors will go to an event in the next 12 months.
The lack of being able to go to events again is great: for 52% of the visitors.