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Number of visitors

Research period: 2017 - 2018

PWO project

Insight in the number of visitors who attend an event is crucial. Not only for safety reasons. It also enables to calculate the economic impact of the event.


Which counting method?

How can you count the number of visitors on your event best? Which counting method is most suitable in function of the duration and size of your event? What about events with free entrance or multiple access routes? Or an event that is spread over multiple locations? And is it affordable?

We investigated the practical, financial and organisational feasibility of the different manual, mechanical and digital counting methods on the market.




Get started? The tool Counter provides insight into the most suitable counting methods tailored to your event.


The tool is based on seven parameters, easy to fill in: duration of the event, the surface of the location, the number of access routes, the expected attendance, real-time data needed or not, heatmaps needed or not, and the available budget.

How accurate are the different counting methods? We examined this in another study (Crowd counting).

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